Bank holiday cruising rally & the Challenge Cup

Published 18:20 on 28 Aug 2023
The summer finally arrived just in time for the August bank holiday rally to Lymington and the Folly Inn. The weekend kicked off with a fish and chip pontoon supper for the early arrivals on the Friday night. And despite a few showers on the Saturday, the rest of the boats made their way to the Dan Bran pontoon - some from as far as Chichester and some making the long journey all the way from Town Quay(!). The kids had a really fun afternoon together in the salt baths, jumping on the inflatables in the sunshine; and the evening brought the traditional pontoon party with many old friends joining in the gathering by car or on foot.
The fine weather continued on Sunday and saw a lovely downwind, down-tide sail to the Folly. To make things more interesting, the boats took part in the Challenge Cup with 2022 winners Muscadet de Havelet setting a series of 10 challenges to complete en-route - some of which involved finding a particular location such as a South Cardinal and some were more creative such as writing a limerick about your boat. A couple of non-rally boats joined in the fun completing their challenges from their home berths. Carinosa emerged victorious in completing the challenges in the quickest time, with Saoirse of Cork winning the best video for 2 and 1/2 mins of giggling as the youngest crew member tried to take off the six jackets she was wearing in the 'remove the most number of jackets' challenge. Honourable mention went to Caramour II for their well edited dance to 'leave your hat on' in the same challenge.
A wonderful convivial dinner was had in the Folly inn, with CO32 sailors being some of the first to arrive for dinner and definitely being the last to leave. The brilliant weather continued on Sunday as everyone made their way home.
Thanks go to Jo Clatworthy for her excellent organisation and we look forward to seeing you all in the next Rally to Gins in late September.
Last updated 11:37 on 19 January 2025