Forums, News Discussions, Forum Transfer
22:46 31 July 2023
Forum Transfer
The existing web forums will be transferred here over the next few months.
As much will be transferred intact as possible, although much of the formatting is likely to be lost.
(Approved 21:46 31 Jul 2023 by Simon Coleman)
07:44 18 October 2023
The forum transfer has been completed.
A few blank posts were removed.
The structure of the threads has been retained but we were unable to map the old post owners to current users so these will not be editable by the original poster.
A line has been added to show which co32bb user made the post & when.
Smileys, broken formatting and some extended characters could not be completely cleaned up.
Where posts linked to external images these still work but uploaded images do not.
The non-technical forums have long been superceded, so were not brought over.
What looked initially a straightforward excercise took rather more effort than expected.
I hope the Association continues to value the expertise held in the forum & some of it might usefully be distilled into website articles.