Forums, Everything Else, The Longue Route 2018
10:55 16 October 2023
The Longue Route 2018
doug at 30/11/2018 17:27:57
I don’t know if this has been mentioned elsewhere but Pierre-Andre Huglo seems to be doing rather well in this event:
There is a video of him departing on YouTube, search – Longue Route 2018
10:55 16 October 2023
The Longue Route 2018
doug at 02/01/2019 22:20:54
Fresh Herring rounded Cape Horn over Christmas and Pierre-Andre is now heading into the Atlantic.
Keeping it simple, he removed his engine for extra stowage and is sailing with hanked on headsails.
10:56 16 October 2023
The Longue Route 2018
doug at 04/02/2019 12:04:36
I have just had the yearbook and see there is a nice interview with Pierre-Andre, so I am behind the curve here!
Edited: doug on 2019-02-04 17:07:29
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